
I love you, too!

The other day I have been awarded twice. Just in time to cheer me me up in all this mummy-madness. And because I am sleep deprived beyond believe, I am going to keep it short and sweet:

bella_award Thank you, Anna Po, for this lovely blog award. You asked me to list 5 things I hate. So  here it comes:

1. Too little sleep. It makes me cranky and irritated and clumsy.

2. Husband being away. Like right now. Doesn’t help the ‘too little sleep problem’.

3. Marmite. Blagh.

4. Public transport. I’d rather walk. Honestly, why can’t some people just take a shower?

5. Having too little time for all the things I want to do. I am always afraid to miss out on something, horrible habit…

I am passing this award on to:

Are we nearly there yet mummy

Flower Fairies and Fairy Cakes

Perfectly Happy Mum

lemonade_award This one was given to me by Maternal Tales. Thanks a lot! It didn’t come with a specific task, so I am not going to make a new list but link to the list of things I am addicted to: here. I am passing this one on to:

Being a Mummy

Brits in Bosnia and

Really Rachel

Most likely I have broken all or more of the unwritten blogger-award-receiver-passing-on-task-fulfiller-rules, but, hey! I am so tired, my eyeballs are flipping backwards young and free and oh so wild. And off I go now to have another early night crazy party next to my beautiful baby daughter with all my exciting friends. Woo-hoo!


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