All posts filed under: Interior Design

House tour

If it wouldn’t sound so terribly clichéd, I’d happily venture into interior design. Not the one with the fluffy pillows, trinkets, knickknacks and rugs, but the one with the tiles, wall colours, walls (knocked down or put in), new windows and side extensions. Or is that interior architecture?

A piece of art

For the first time in history, British Vogue archive images are now available as art prints. With works dating back to the Forties, Fifties and Sixties, taken by photographers including Cecil Beaton and Henry Clarke, the collection includes 60 images, with additional works to be added at later dates.

So close, yet so far

We are still living on a bloody building site. People keep asking me what the timeframe was on our project. Cue hysterical crying fit. Our builders were supposed to be finished about five weeks ago. That would have been two weeks after our initial deadline. Right now, the team seems to have gone MIA, despite […]


Two weeks without broadband* may leave you feeling a little unsettled – especially as a blogger – but it also gives you a bit of a break from constantly being online. In fact, I found my evenings to be much more relaxing now that I stopped balancing my MacBook on my lap whilst having a […]

New beginnings

Remember that I said I wanted to take it slow? Well, to tell it in twitter speak: #massivefail. I am not complaining, no, it’s all good. Life is happening at a fast pace and I am filling my plate with a soup ladle. Quite suddenly and a bit unexpected, I found myself having a bout […]