All posts filed under: London

Going home to Brexit

So, it’s official now. After pretty much exactly four years in Sweden, we will be leaving this summer. It’s not a secret that I have been struggling massively with the Swedish winters. Five to six months of ice and snow, the blackest, treacle-like darkness from 3pm to 9am during two months of that and a blanket […]

Apples and pears

Someone asked me the other day how living in Sweden compared to living in London. Well, it doesn’t. Hence the title. I guess my life here brought out a part of my personality that I thought might exist, but wasn’t entirely sure about. Tending to fruit trees and preserving pears has not really been on […]

Mrs Sledgehammer, part II

Our 1920s Manhattan art deco inspired London pad was coming along nicely. After we had sorted the kitchen and the floors, the bathrooms provided the next challenge on our list: a family bathroom on the small side and an en-suite that was so miniscule, we couldn’t even fit a regular door on it. 

Snogs and Skating

To mark the last day of her first winter half-term as a reception year student, I took Lil’ L ice skating at Westfield today. I have been taking her to various rinks all around town for the past two years, and the big advantage of Westfield is that it’s indoors. No soggy bottoms when your […]

Baby, it’s cold outside

On our way to school, we passed a homeless man sitting on a bench on the High Street, rubbing his hands together against the cold, covered in a blanket that seemed to be falling apart. ‘Doesn’t he have a home?’ Lil’ L asked as we walked on. ‘There are holes in his blankie,’ she said […]

Family portraits

While we have tons of gorgeous pictures of our girls, there is not a single one of us as a family. When Petite Pea’s nursery asked for a family portrait, I had to give them two – one of Big M and the girls and one of myself holding our offspring. Big M commented that […]