All posts filed under: Stockholm

House tour

If it wouldn’t sound so terribly clichéd, I’d happily venture into interior design. Not the one with the fluffy pillows, trinkets, knickknacks and rugs, but the one with the tiles, wall colours, walls (knocked down or put in), new windows and side extensions. Or is that interior architecture?

Moving on

Finally, it’s time. The house is sold, the studio is sold, and all the members of our family are sold on the idea of moving. Well, almost all, but I realised that I can’t stay another winter, hence we are moving anyway. 

Going home to Brexit

So, it’s official now. After pretty much exactly four years in Sweden, we will be leaving this summer. It’s not a secret that I have been struggling massively with the Swedish winters. Five to six months of ice and snow, the blackest, treacle-like darkness from 3pm to 9am during two months of that and a blanket […]

Apples and pears

Someone asked me the other day how living in Sweden compared to living in London. Well, it doesn’t. Hence the title. I guess my life here brought out a part of my personality that I thought might exist, but wasn’t entirely sure about. Tending to fruit trees and preserving pears has not really been on […]

Winter is coming

When nocturnal temperatures drop into single digits before the middle of September, you might be understood to ask yourself ‘What the hell am I doing here?!’ London weather is by no means comparable to the Caribbean, but compared to what we get up here, it looks pretty balmy.