All posts filed under: Writing

The incredibly long road to publishing

  Do you remember that novel I wrote a while ago? Well, it’s still not published. Surprisingly, getting published is a   S   L   O   W   process. It’s what everybody tells you, but chances are, you are not going to believe it until it happens to you. Not because you thought you were superior to the […]

What happened to the book

The long-suffering reader might remember that some time ago, I wrote a novel. After typing the magical words The End under its last paragraph, I put it aside several times, edited, re-edited and re-re-edited a couple of times more, and finally submitted the manuscript to a handful of agents.

A loser with lacking dress sense

Having written a book and not having a publishing deal (yet?) has the potential to make you feel like the world’s biggest loser– especially when you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror and realise that you are dressed like a clown with unruly hair. So in case you started asking yourself where Lil’ […]

On a different note…

A while back, I have been asked to join a small team of writers for the new blog. The blog went live this week, and I am chuffed to be part of this. So, in case you just can’t get enough of Metropolitan Mum, you can now also find me here.

The one where I find an agent

I just remembered a post I wrote almost exactly a year ago – back then, I had been talking (or rather trying to talk) to a few literary agents, with very little success.  I had vowed not to give up but instead to deal with rejection in small doses and to dedicate Friday mornings to […]