Blogging, Mummy stuff, Pregnancy, yummy daddies

What’s the (blog world) news?

grinning catI am grinning like a Cheshire cat. has published their list of Top 20 Mummy Blogs. And Metropolitan Mum is part of it. How could I not be smug? Especially as I am in such good company.

When I published my first post on February 3rd this year, I was pregnant, hormonal, overwhelmed and a bit lost. I would have never thought that I would meet such a lovely bunch of mums and dads who made me laugh, cry and cringe. Thanks to British Mummy Bloggers, getting connected was so easy. Check out the network, if you are not part of it already. You will meet other great blogging parents, get the chance to review products (if that’s what you enjoy) and even meet a few of the bloggers offline (if you are brave enough).

Among my personal favourite blogs is Perfectly Happy Mum, Peggy. She just launched a new blog, A Mother’s Secret. Once in full bloom, it’s going to be a great opportunity to meet other parents and expose your own blog to a bigger audience. On top of it, the site is just so lovingly and thoughtfully designed – you can tell that she’s put in a lot of work.


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