Mummy stuff, Nonsense

Hotsling baby carrier to give away. Attention: only for the seasoned user




Photo004When I was pregnant with little L, I envisioned myself as one of those boho style mummies: long hair floating in the wind, wrapped in a poncho, baby L snugly propped into her baby pouch carrier.

The video suggested a little pulling here and a little pulling there and ‘that’s all there is to it.’ Ha. Ha.

I pulled a lot here and there and here and there, trying to arrange little L’s tiny body in the pouch, whilst she wriggled, squirmed and twisted as if her life depended on it. She almost ‘jumped’ out of the thing. And this is where I decided to give up.

Baby sling and Met Mum just don’t go together. To keep myself from swearing and my baby from a 5 ft fall, I decided to give it away (the sling, not the baby). If you are brave enough to try this on your own offspring, let me know which addition to your possessions was money well wasted in the comment box.

I will draw a winner by Friday, 04 September.


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