
I blame Tara


I think I said that before, but as I was given the official chance by That Girl: I blame Tara.  For luring me into this world, welcoming me with open arms and with the utmost enthusiasm, and for making me smile, laugh and cry into my coffee mug.

And I blame her for the Meme, which just comes along nicely as my blogging brain seems to have gone blank for the moment.

Ladies and Gents: The I blame Tara Meme

1. Who is the hottest movie star? Oh oh. Now this blows my cover straight away. I am not that much into movies. I just can’t sit still in front of the telly for longer than half an hour. Owen Wilson?

2. Apart from your house and your car, what’s the most expensive item you’ve ever bought? Erm, erm. There goes another bit of my cover. How hideous does it make me look, if I’d admit to have spent more money on a handbag than a computer?

3. What’s your most treasured memory? Walking down the aisle, seeing big M standing there and waiting for me.

4. What was the best gift you ever received as a child? That must have been my first ever new bicycle – as opposed to the hand-me-downs from my brother. I felt so free and cool…

5. What’s the biggest mistake you’ve made? Starting to smoke. I quit a few years ago, but I still regret to have ever started. There is absolutely nothing positive about smoking cigarettes.

6. 4 words to describe yourself. Optimistic, driven, curious, nerdy.

7. What was your highlight or lowlight of 2008? The house project – there were lots of high- and lowlights.

8. Favourite film? The Party with Peter Sellers. I told you I’m crap at this whole movie thing.

9. Tell me one thing I don’t know about you. I almost became a professional ballet dancer. I passed the audition for a well-known school and decided I didn’t want it anymore.

10. If you were a comic book/strip or cartoon character, who would you be? Mafalda

I am passing this Meme on to:

Mommy Words

A Fab Brunette

A Confused Take That Fan

Reasons to be cheerful, 1, 2, 3


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