Getting fit

Wednesday Weigh-In Vol. 11. Or: The missing ingredient

Photo014To encourage further shrinkage, I have recently replaced my beloved Pain au Chocolat with muesli for breakfast. So when I absent-mindedly read the text on the muesli box this morning, the scales fell from my eyes. (!) My diet was missing an essential ingredient. And these folks even have the nerves to boast about not having it in their product. At all.

During all my dieting efforts, I completely forgot a crucial lesson, once taught by the ever so knowledgeable Marjorie Dawes. Of all foods, the one with the lowest fat and calorie content is: dust. Dust, dust, dust, ladies and gentlemen. I am going to change my diet completely, as of tomorrow.

Now for the weigh-in.

Starting weight: 136 pounds

Goal weight: 125 pounds

Last week: 129 pounds

This week: 128 pounds

Pounds lost: 1

How many pounds left to lose: 3

Meet dusties anonymous here.


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