Getting fit, Mummy stuff, Summer, Travelling

Wednesday Weigh-In Vol. 9. Or: Ignorance is bliss

st martin ice cream parlourThe ice cream parlour in St. Martin de Ré. I heard they are deliriously good. Of course, I had to try a flavour. Or maybe two…

I know, today is not Wednesday, but as I am going to embark on a real diet today (as opposed to just think about a real diet in horror), I am posting these pictures to have something nice to look at during the next weeks to come. Let’s hope I don’t lick the screen in desperation…

Two weeks on Île de Ré, and not only did I gain a tan, but also a few extra inches around the waist. My trousers appear to hug my hips in a tight embrace. The two stick together like first time lovesick teenagers. Let’s hope this summer romance isn’t more than a short-lived fling. You ask how this could happen? An analysis of photo material should bring light into this sombre affair.

It all started with…

Photo026my birthday and…

Photo027a bite of cake…

Photo028But that was only the beginning of my calorific disaster…

waffleWaffle? What waffle? Quoi? In my hand? Ermm… I am just trying to shield away the blasting sunlight from little L’s head. I know. I am a doting mum.

ice creamNonono. I am only holding the ice cream cone for big M. Seriously. I don’t even like ice cream. And no, my nickname is not Strawberry Cheesecake for a reason.

popcornAll the popcorn gone? Popcorn sales guy ran off as threatened to be popped himself if not able to deliver? I had nothing to do with it!

Now for the weigh-in:

Starting weight: 136 pounds

Goal weight: 125 pounds

Last weigh-in: 130 pounds

This week: I ‘ave absolutely no clue, zere are no scales in zee appartement. And yes, ignorance IS bliss!

Pounds lost: Je ne sais pas. But it feels like +3

How many pounds left to lose: 5? 8? One zillion?

Meet the other food lovers here.


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