
Award, awards, awards. And yes, I left it a little long.

zombie_chicken_awardI have been incredibly lazy busy recently doing nothing saving the world. Instead of picking up my lovely awards, presenting them in all their shining glory and bowing gracefully to the generous folks that awarded me, I shoved them into the cupboard. Time to get them out.

Dear Emily at Maternal Tales, thank you so much for the Zombie Chicken award. You know that I always wanted to have this one? Plus, I like that there’s not that much to do about it, as I am so busy!

“The blogger who receives this award believes in the Tao of the zombie chicken – excellence, grace and persistence in all situations, even in the midst of a zombie apocalypse. These amazing bloggers regularly produce content so remarkable that their readers would brave a raving pack of zombie chickens just to be able to read their inspiring words. As a recipient of this world-renowned award, you now have the task of passing it on to at least 5 other worthy bloggers. Do not risk the wrath of the zombie chickens by choosing unwisely or not choosing at all.”

This award goes to:

Another Emily, who just started her London fashion/style/foodie blog London Zest. I love to follow her on her quest to discover hidden London gems. Or sometimes just being reminded of all the wonderful places that are just around the corner.

The lovely, lovely Rose and her lovely blog A Rose beyond the Thames. Every post, every image is so thoughtfully composed. It makes me feel like a kid that so wants to touch everything but is too well behaved to reach out her sticky fingers.

That Girl 39, because I just love her style and her humour.

Perfectly Happy Mum, an oldie but goodie and one of my all time favourites. (Sorry Peggy, time to face the truth. You are ancient, in blog years. Tu sais que je t’aime!)

Mrs Fab at Looking Fab in your Fourties. I had to collect myself from the floor after reading her review on the London Fashion Week reports. A refreshing take on fashion.

over the top award

The next award/tag was given to me three times. Can there be ever too much of a good thing? Thank you, Perfectly Happy Mum, Cartside and Muddling Along Mummy.

The rule: One question – one word to answer.

Where is your mobile phone? next to me

Your hair? flounderflat

Mother? absent

Father? estranged

Your Favourite Food: French

Your Dream Last Night: weird

Your Favourite Drink: Champagne

Your Dream/Goal: happiness

What room are you in? kitchen

Your hobby: illustrations

Your fear: spiders

Where do you want to be in 6 years: here

Where were you last night: home

Something that you aren’t: stingy

Muffins: croissants!

Where did you grow up? Germany

Last thing you did: lunch

What are you wearing: jeansshirtcardigan (does this count as one word?)

Your TV: off

Your pets: moths

Friends: far

Your life: great

Your mood: peaceful

Missing someone: grandmother

Vehicle: pushchair

Something you’re not wearing: underwear (just kidding)

Your favourite store: Selfridges

Your favourite colour: purple

When was the last time you laughed: today

When was the last time you cried? dunno

Your best friend: Julie

One place you go to over and over: France

One person who emails you regularly: Big M

Favourite place to eat: home

I pass this award on to

Ju at Double TroubleLady Mama, and Margarita, who just scrapped her plans to move to London and is moving to Vancouver instead (boo-hoo!). I hope she’ll find the time to do this in between packing and unpacking all those wonderful shoes…


Dear Mrs Fab at Looking Fab in your Fourties, thank you for giving me the Kreativ Blogger award.

The rules imply to list 7 things about yourself, which I did before here. I would like to pass this on to

The Wife of Bold


A Confused Take That Fan, 30

and last but by no means least: Dadda Cool.


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