Beauty, Yummy Mummy

Liz Earle Naturally Active Skincare review & giveaway

Call me a fanatic. Call me an addict. Call me a victim of cleverly devised marketing plans. IT’S NOT MY FAULT, I JUST LOVE BEAUTY PRODUCTS!  Sorry for crying out loud.

Naturally, when a lovely PR lady from Liz Earle offered me to review a few products from their wonderful, no-nasties skin care range, I had to say yes.

Alas, in my greed enthusiasm for all produce that promises to enhance one’s looks, I have been a little short sighted. Despite knowing better, I ignored the small print (read: I didn’t read the label). But don’t you worry – I have paid my dues.

liz earle superskin concentrate

Superskin Concentrate

Let’s say your skin type was normal to dry with a tendency to once-a-month breakouts. So. What about smothering your face in an oil that is meant to work its wonders on mature skin? During the week before your period is due? What about ignoring the instruction ‘a small amount’ and layering it on, because you just can’t get enough of that lovely smell and gorgeous texture?

Well. What about pimples?

I told you I had paid my dues.

However, I found that mixing it with my (slightly drying) foundation creates a very pleasant dewy effect. I am not sure if I should keep on experimenting with it, but it just feels so good…

liz earle superskin lip and eye

Superskin Lip & Eye Treatment

Although again aimed at a slightly more mature clientele (or skin types), the Superskin Lip & Eye Treatment gets 10 out of 10! It definitely does leave the skin feeling plump and rejuvenated – without ‘sitting’ on the skin. I used it underneath concealer and it completely hinders the ‘highlighting wrinkles’ effect I usually get. Faith/face restored.


Now for the giveaway: Leave a comment in the box below and tell me about your favourite beauty product. Or about your ultimate beauty nightmare. Perm gone wrong? Pimples the size of Eyjafjallajokull on a date? Streaky orange tan-disaster?

Bare all until Monday, 17 May 2010, 7PM GMT+1.

The winner is in for a heavenly Liz Earle pamper packet, including the Liz Earle Nourishing Botanical Body Cream, Orange Flower Botanical Body Wash, Energising Hip and Thigh Gel and the Energising Body Scrub.


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