London, music

An unexpected girl crush

John Mayer in concert

Last week we went to see John Mayer in concert. I am in love with his music. A friend of mine once said he was brilliant live, and ever since I have been intrigued to find out for myself. Another thing I really wanted to see for myself: the Mayer factor. There’s got to be something magical about this man that makes women go after him like moths after my favourite cashmere coat.

Sitting in row number seven, I had a good view on the chap that drives the ladies crazy. And I just wasn’t seeing it. Nope. Nothing. Actually, I did see something I wish I hadn’t.

Playing the guitar (admittedly virtuously), he played himself into some kind of guitar Shangri-La. Playing faster and faster, getting into it deeper and deeper and deeper. His eyeballs were rolling behind closed eyes, his features distorted in musical ecstasy, twitching, grimacing. The climax was tangibly close.

Too close for my taste, and way too tangible. I stared in disbelief at the man on stage who was acting as if he was about to come. Or was he really?

I decided to close my eyes, too, and let the music wash over me. My love for his music, it was still there. Some things are so much more enjoyable when the lights are off.

On a different and much more innocent note: Ellie Goulding played as special guest before John Mayer started his ‘show’. She completely blew me away with her performance – she seems to burst with positive energy and her voice is incredible live!


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