Book, Writing

On being stuck

When I said I was going to write a novel a few months ago, I sat down, started typing and let the words carry me away. In the first few weeks, I have been completely obsessed with getting it out, unable to enjoy a meal with my husband without longingly gazing at my laptop. Sure, the dialogues might sound a bit odd and my tenses are mostly all over the place – but at least I was making progress. I was.

Now I am stuck. I still know what I want to write, and if I really force myself, I am still able to put it in writing. The problem is, it doesn’t sound right anymore. Not only have I lost any idea how to create a mood, I don’t feel any mood anymore. I am completely moodless. Uninspired. Bored.

So. I decided to take a week off novel writing. NoNoWriWe. As opposed to NaNoWriMo. I am going to spend time wandering around London, taking pictures, soaking up the energy, the buzz and the atmosphere, hoping to be kissed by a muse or two. Wish me luck.


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