Mummy stuff, Pregnancy, Summer, Travelling, Writing

30 weeks pregnant: la rentrée

That’s it – I’m coming home. Tomorrow will be the day to pack bags, desand beach toys and finish off the three last lonely ice cream cones that linger in the back of the freezer (fear not, I’ve got two very eager helpers readily at hand). It feels as if we’ve been away forever, and as if this summer has been going on forever.

Getting older, I have found myself rather living from summer to summer than living from January to December. The weeks around Christmas tend to be so busy; I don’t really find time to reflect, make new plans or sit down with my husband and talk. In summer, however, far away from home and everything that comes with it, unresolved issues just seem to fall into place, new ideas form and develop, and after a while, I even manage to rediscover the art of just being.

The past year – so to speak – has been a good one. I found an agent for my novel; I have become part of the new Babycentre blog team and I am pregnant again. 30 weeks pregnant.

I find this second pregnancy so much more enjoyable – despite its slightly concerning start. I will have another scan at 34 weeks to find out if the placenta has moved. If it hasn’t, the baby will be born at 37 weeks. I am trying neither to freak out about placenta previa, nor about having a baby that is about five weeks ‘younger’ than little L when she was born. There is nothing I can do about either of it, and for now, I am just going to enjoy watching the bump grow.

Metropolitan Mum wears: Maxi dress by Seraphine