Blogging, Mummy stuff, Travelling, Winter

Packing up

Ahhh, those were the days BC (before children)

Well, I’m not really packing up. Just packing. We are off to Switzerland for a week – our first family vacation since last July. And our first vacation as a family of four.

We can all do with a bit of downtime. The girls have been alternatingly sick, passing their bugs between them and myself. Big M has worked a lot – a bit too much for my liking – and hasn’t had more than a couple of hours to himself since La Petite Pea was born in September. And I… I can’t wait to hit the slopes, feel a bit of sunshine on my face (though I suspect my cheeks will be kissed by snow more often than sunshine, given that I haven’t been on skis for about 20 years), and come back home.

Yes, I am not even gone and am already looking forward to return. Because after this vacation, I shall be well rested and full of beans. I shall have rediscovered my joie de vivre, cut my hair and be positive about the future and life in general. In other words, I am hoping to find a bit of myself in Switzerland and to drag her back to London.


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