Blogging, Mummy stuff

Quiet times

There has been a lot on my mind recently. I have spent much more time than usual reflecting about this and that – and, as it seems, I am not the only one who has slowed down and has taken a step back from the usual frenzy that’s life. Some of my favourite bloggers have touched me with their posts during the past couple of weeks.

There was Amanda from The Online Stylist, who decided that sometimes, something’s got to give if you want to have a healthy work-life-balance. She gave London Fashion Week a miss this season (and all the glamour, free champagne and blow dries that come with it) to instead spend time with her family. It perfectly demonstrates how as women, we are often torn between what’s best for our families and what we want to do with our lives career wise.

The lovely Simone at The Bottom of the Ironing Basket has written about ageing, beauty and confidence that comes with age – which has struck a chord with me.

Alice from More than Toast has opened up about her daughter’s potentially life threatening condition. It has often amazed me how positive and strong Alice is – and now she has even launched her own fabulous online magazine MAMA UK!

And then… the news of Jennie, whose beautiful baby girl Matilda fell asleep and didn’t wake up again. I can’t even begin to understand what she must be going through. My heart, like that of many others, is breaking for Jennie and her family. Life seems so cruel and unjust at times.


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