Mummy stuff, Pregnancy

One year ago today

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It’s a year ago today. The day I chose to go into hospital to have my baby cut out of me. The day I had the most amazing birth imaginable. 

After the traumatizing experience I had with Little L, I decided to give natural birth a miss and opted for an elective Caesarean. Despite other people promising me the opposite, I not once doubted my decision throughout my pregnancy.

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Growing up, I always thought I’d have my babies by C-section. I can’t really tell you why. My own mother gave birth to four healthy children the old school way. It’s just nothing I ever wanted for myself. No push-aspiration whatsoever.

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Had the new NICE guidelines on elective Caesarean’s been out in 2009, I am pretty sure I had opted for a section. Instead, I had to endure an epic nightmare labour plus emergency C-section. I almost lost my baby.

The clam, collected and happy environment in which Petite Pea was born wasn’t only the stark antipode to the terrifying chaos that surrounded Lil’ L’s birth. In a way, it also made up for the previous experience. Finally, I was able to get over it and find peace.

I don’t share the feeling of inadequacy or failure only because I don’t wee myself when I sneeze. Elective C-sections. A truly wonderful thing.

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Happy Birthday, Petite Pea. You rock our world.




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