All posts filed under: Shoes

A post bump wedding outfit

So. I haven’t really been bothered by my baby flab so far. It’ only been four and a half weeks, and from initially 17 kilos more on the scales, I am already down to a mere seven kilos maternal surplus. Partly thanks to breastfeeding, but mostly down to losing my appetite and being too tired […]

Ice cream and pixie dust

Because there has been a bit too much drama on this blog lately, now for some lighter entertainment: fashion. And because all my pocket money goes to tiles, taps and toilet bowls these days, I am concentrating my sartorial creativity on little L. Pastels are all the range this coming season – or so I’ve […]

Passing on my love for shoes

I should have known better. If I had done my homework, I could have easily found out that the co-founder of gorgeous children’s shoes shop Papillon is Anya Hindmarch’s sister. I could have known what kind of crowd to expect at the opening party of Papillon’s new flagship store in Marelybone. London socialites, handbag empire […]

Seven Shoes – the ‘Hello Lover’ award

Originally, this award was called ‘The beautiful blogger award’, but our shoebsessed frashionista (= a shoe obsessed friend and fashionista) 40 Not Out decided to unravel the award’s rules, lay out its components neatly and nicely and put them together as something completely new. She even made her Manolo’s star in the award’s trophy: That […]

Mummy needs a break. Or: a day out in London

In the six months since little L’s birth, I have barely been separated from my precious baby girl. There have been about ten evenings where I nipped out for an hour or two, leaving Big M behind to keep a close eye on the baby monitor. An easy task, as little L usually doesn’t wake until the wee hours, once mummy has tucked her in and kissed her good night. Then there have been about six times she spent an hour in the gym crèche, guarded by the lovely Jane and her staff. But all of a sudden, little L decided not to like staying there anymore, and Met Mum had to be called to her rescue via the intercom. So there it went, my tiny bit of me-time.

Slummy mummy and the well-dressed baby

In a recent comment-conversation, the lovely Rose said: ‘Oh I envy little L, I imagine she has a great wardrobe of clothes!’ I had to think about this, because a) yes, she does (thanks to her generous grandma, little L is sporting Ugg Boots, pink Ralph Lauren corduroys and a white Petit Bateau hooded jacket in the picture above) and b) I envy her myself, because she’s better dressed than me. Realising this kind of hurt, but it’s the truth and it’s time to face it: I am a slummy mummy.