All posts filed under: Winter

Up all night

We are back – and with us the dreaded jet lag. Funnily (not really funny) though, it seems to only have affected the Pea. Whilst the rest of the family could happily snooze day & night, the Pea wakes every couple of hours with a startled scream, yelling at the top of her lungs. With […]

A burger and a pint of milk

Because Lil’ L was dead set on making snow angels and getting to see some kind of real life Winter Wonderland (I blame it on Disney’s Frozen), I took her to Sweden last weekend. Luckily, it started snowing the day before we left London and didn’t stop for the whole weekend – i.e. snow angles, […]

A house in the country

The idea to buy a house somewhere to take the family and spend time together, far away from the big city, work or schools has been floating around our heads for a while now. For years, the dream of a house in the country had been nothing more than that: a dream. And then, all […]


I love Sweden. How could you not love a country that has a mealtime created for the sole purpose of devouring heavenly baked goods and coffee? Around 4 o’clock every afternoon, the country comes to a halt to grab something sweet (cinnamon buns, yes please!) and a coffee, enjoyed on an actual break – as […]

Home alone

Last night I shoved* the husband out the front door and sent him off to Thailand. He’ll be gone for a week of yoga, massages and detoxing. He’ll be enjoying delicious yet healthy meals, breath taking views and the calm and serenity that neither a family of four nor living in London can offer him.

I don’t want to go home

I love London. Don’t get me wrong, I really do. But sometimes, I ask myself why I ever exchanged this (see above) for the filth and grime that inevitably will expect us in the Big Smoke. Especially now, with two little girls in tow, the question Where To Live seems heavier and more prominent than […]