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Dear 1995

Remember 1995 and the years leading up to it? Those were the years of my late teens – years interspersed with teenage angst, first loves and first (very awkward) sex. Sadly, my diaries of that time, which came close to an encyclopedia with its ten or so volumes, are lost. At some point (it might […]

How to turn 42

I turned 40 two years ago, and it’s been a breeze. I guess it can be, if you are at peace with yourself and if, as it happens to be the case for this not-so-young-anymore lady, you are blessed with good genes. It’s nothing that I am be proud of, nothing that I can claim […]


Big M is growing a moustache. All for a good cause and all limited to the month of November. Thank God for that – I’m no fan of kissing a cactus. Here’s what it’s all about (in Big M’s words):

Under my umbrella ella ella

Bouncing to the sounds of Rihanna through the kitchen this morning with little L on my arm, I realised that this was ‘our’ song. We had only started dating when I boarded a plane to go to Stockholm to see the man who should become the love of my life. Big M picked me up […]