All posts filed under: Writing


Just kidding. I found this phrase on someone else’s twitter page and started wondering if she still had friends. Mustn’t that be weird, to be friends with a writer, fearing she is getting the inspiration for that neurotic girlfriend from you? And how bizarre must watching Sex and the City have been for the real […]

On being stuck

When I said I was going to write a novel a few months ago, I sat down, started typing and let the words carry me away. In the first few weeks, I have been completely obsessed with getting it out, unable to enjoy a meal with my husband without longingly gazing at my laptop. Sure, […]

About the book II

People sometimes ask me if I find it difficult to write a book. The answer is no. The writing itself is easily done, you just sit down, open the laptop and jot down the words as they come. Writing a good book is an entirely different question, and yes, I find it very difficult to […]

About the book. Or: being high and low

I think I have never been as ecstatically excited and terribly terrified about one thing at the same time. “Project Book” is moving along rather nicely. Characters in place, plot divided into 30 chapters; set up, major disasters and ending defined. It should take me less than a day to finalise the outlining process and […]

Occupation: Mum?!?

The unthinkable happened. I have been asked to write something. And I have been paid for it. My first piece of paid writing in almost ten years. And my first ever piece of paid writing in English. Of course I am proud. Proud enough to have spent the cheque three times, to be exact. An […]