All posts filed under: Mummy stuff

A better mum

11 weeks into motherhood and of course, I am moaning about sleep deprivation, weepiness and weight gain. Sometimes I am not even sure if I would have embarked on this adventure, if I had known how much our lives would change. But then I look into those bright blue eyes and sink my nose into the creases on her neck and know: this is all I ever wanted. And more.

Wednesday Weigh-In Vol. V. Or: I am skinny from the inside

On the fitness front, I am more than proud of myself. Went to another class of mummy & me yoga. Joined the gym. Parked little L in the crèche for 60 minutes twice in one week. Didn’t start to cry when handing her over to the carers. And only once jumped hysterically out of the pool and ran dripping wet to soothe my allegedly mummy-missing baby after misinterpreting an announcement. To my defence: the speakers are rubbish, I had water in my ears and the girl behind the micro was chewing on a blanket, it seemed.

British Mummy Bloggers

Have you ever been on a blind date with more than 17 participants? Well, I just came back from one. I was looking forward to this date with great anticipation, threw on my newest frock (Peggy ordered to buy one and off I went) and even applied some fake tanning lotion to my legs to look my best. Unfortunately, the self-tanning effect only kicked in a few hours after application, i.e. when lunch was served. I officially apologise to Being a Mummy to my left and Big M to my right for the biscuitty smell that developed slowly but steadily from underneath the table during mealtime.

Wednesday Weigh-In Vol. IV. Or: Where positive thinking leads to shrinking

Hurray! I found a nice gym with a nice crèche. So nice in fact, that I’d rather spent my hours sitting in the crèche than on the gym floor, but I guess I have to grow up here. I will have my fitness assessment (uh-oh…) tomorrow, and for the first time in her short life, little L will be looked after by strangers for a total of 60 minutes. If mummy doesn’t burst into tears and rescues her before the time is up, that is.

Smoking only in designated areas

Yes, it is true what they are saying, they grow up faster than you could ever imagine. In her unbelievable fabulousness, little L is soaking up her environment like a little sponge, discovering her own hands to grab mummy’s nose or punch herself in the face. Apparently, she hasn’t discovered coordination yet. At two months of age, she loves being propped up to not miss a tiny thing of what is going on around her. So we splashed out a little and ordered this fabulous bouncy chair from Mamas&Papas. I particularly like the tag that is dangling from its side. It left me wondering which message they are trying to get across.

Cry-baby’s weepy week

Finally, I am not only allowed to drive again, I also feel capable of doing so for the first time in 10 weeks. In addition to the constant headache, sleep deprivation gives me the feeling of having a major hangover – without having had the fun of getting insanely wasted the night before. I don’t know if I am actually feeling better, or if I am just getting used to feeling spaced out all the time. What I definitely won’t get used to is being constantly weepy. It’s pathetic, really. There is not a single day where I won’t shed a few tears.

Wednesday Weigh-In Vol. III. Or: 2 steps forward, 1 step back

What? It’s Wednesday again? Where has the week gone? I blame my virtual absence on the great weather and the fact that I got more confident in taking little L out. We had a blast attending coffee mornings, picnics and going for walks. Almost bursting with pride, I paraded my beautiful social butterfly in her pram, dressed to the nines in Petit Bateau (little L, not me), making the most of the sunny days. Well, almost.

Wednesday Weigh-In Vol. II. Or: A sad reunion with my friend Ferrero

Let’s call this first week ‘awareness week’. I was pretty aware of all the nasties that made their way into my stomach.

However, thanks to one of the best diet boosters ever, I managed to shrink a little. Despite being totally off our usual schedule – we went to Germany last weekend to introduce little L to her great grandma – and a long car journey that made us pass France (pain au chocolat & sandwich jambon, fromage, beurre) and Belgium (waffles and chocolate), and finally guided us to our final destination, Germany, land of the Jaegerschnitzel. And did you know that there is a range of Ferrero chocolate snacks that are exclusively available in Germany? Of course, I had them all.

Wednesday Weigh-In Vol. I

Little L was six weeks yesterday, and so is my scar. I went to see my GP on Monday, and here is the verdict: Everything hunky dory, I can get pregnant again. Hooorray! Only kidding.

Six weeks of sitting on the sofa, stuffing my face with chocolates and ice cream – all with the excuse of having had a caesarean – have come to an end. In fact, I couldn’t move much right after surgery. But even though I could have been more mobile recently, I just haven’t upped my speed or the amount of moving around at all.