All posts tagged: friendship

Friendship in the age of motherhood

Top three of the things I miss since becoming a mother: a decent lie-in, my old boobs and my old friends. The lie-in should be easily achieved; the boobs could be done and dealt with if I really wanted to (blog post in itself), but friends… Something has changed since I became a mum. Becoming […]


Stockholm always has a soothing effect on me. Surrounded by clean water and crisp air, decorated with beautiful buildings and healthy looking people who smile at you with their big, straight white teeth, beach blond hair waving in the wind – Sweden is reliably fulfilling its clichés. Sweden gives me an instant holiday feeling. And […]

Happy Days – visiting the patchwork family

The main advantage of a lacking relationship with your parents is the freedom that comes with it. When you are receiving nothing, nothing can be taken from you. And as soon as you break the vicious circle of copying the patterns that formed the dysfunctional relationship you used to have with your genitors (in my case that meant reaching for the non-available), you have all the freedom in the world to build your own family, patch it together with friends, siblings, grandparents and finally the love of your life and your own offspring.

British Mummy Bloggers

Have you ever been on a blind date with more than 17 participants? Well, I just came back from one. I was looking forward to this date with great anticipation, threw on my newest frock (Peggy ordered to buy one and off I went) and even applied some fake tanning lotion to my legs to look my best. Unfortunately, the self-tanning effect only kicked in a few hours after application, i.e. when lunch was served. I officially apologise to Being a Mummy to my left and Big M to my right for the biscuitty smell that developed slowly but steadily from underneath the table during mealtime.

Illustration Friday: Legendary

When I think of legendary, this particular time I had with A in London springs into my mind. Nights that started somewhere in Sketch, Aura or Pangea and ended with a trip to Maroush. The tahini sauce trail on your dress as a reminder where you have been the night before. Walking home in a mild summer night. And […]