All posts tagged: Gardening

Monty, oh Monty

“Among the things made by man, nothing is prettier than an English cottage garden, and they often teach lessons that ‘great’ gardeners should learn.” William Robinson, “The English Flower Garden,” London 1883 It’s official. I am old. I’ve got a crush on Monty Don! In a desperate attempt to turn the mud pit in our backyard […]

A sudden love for gardening. Am I getting old?

It’s official now. The leaves are falling, temperatures barely climb over the 20C mark and scarves, gloves and hats are back on the menu. It’s autumn! One thing that really cheered me up recently is… gardening. Maybe it’s because I am a mum now, that I find these things appealing. The whole philosophy of the circle of life, the old making space for the new, the deep connection between life and death. Or maybe I am just getting old.