All posts tagged: little L

Happy birthday, Little L

Do you know that poem about how you don’t own your children? When I read it for the first time, pregnant with Lil’ L, a little more than five years ago, I found it hard to comprehend. How would I not feel ownership of someone whom I made, who for the longest time (so far) […]

Six months of baby love

Petite Pea has been six months old this week. I find time has been flying even faster since this gurgling bundle of giggles joined our family. She is growing up too fast, both girls are, and although my heart overflows with mummy pride with every little step they make, I am also bemoaning the fact […]

Stuff Lil’ L (3) says

After scrutinising the state of her chipped nail varnish: “Mummy, I need some new nail punish.” To her father: “Papa, why do you always forget things?” On the school run: “When I am big, I can take myself to nursery.” After I told her to use the toilet, wash her hands and tidy up her […]

It’s not fair!

The children had gathered around the teacher, impatiently pushing and shoving their little arms forward to grab one of the stormily admired hula-hoops. ‘Say please and thank you.’ the teacher had demanded earlier. My motherly heart swelled with pride when little L held her hands up high and enthusiastically called ‘Peeease! Peeease!’ – in fact, […]

Being sick (of it)

I have been struck down by the flu last week. For the first time in a very long time, I had to stay in bed for two consecutive days, unable to look after little L. Suddenly, 20 months after becoming a mother, it hit home: there’s no one I can call to tell them I […]

Countdown to Christmas

I left my mother’s house quite early; that’s how I happened to have my first own Christmas tree at the tender age of 18. Back then, I didn’t have much money, and the little fir tree in a pot had to be decorated with bright red taffeta bows only. In the sale after that Christmas […]