All posts tagged: meme

Spread the blogging love

I have been a bad girl. A very bad girl. I deserve spanking, no-pudding-straight-to-bed-orders and a week without Gossip Girl. My unforgiveable sin: precious memes, tags and awards have been bestowed upon me by my beloved, fabulous and lovely bloggie friends, and I have not responded in an appropriate manner. But I promise to be […]

I blame Tara

I think I said that before, but as I was given the official chance by That Girl: I blame Tara. For luring me into this world, welcoming me with open arms and with the utmost enthusiasm, and for making me smile, laugh and cry into my coffee mug.

And I blame her for the Meme, which just comes along nicely as my blogging brain seems to have gone blank for the moment.