All posts tagged: PMS

An update on being part-time depressed

The beauty of writing things down lies in its cathartic capacities. The beauty of posting these things online lies in a) the advice you get, b) the support you receive and c) the subtle pressure of acting upon it. After I confessed last Thursday, I have read through your comments and emails (thank you!!) and […]

PND, PMS or just the usual madness?

I have been feeling a little off recently. OK, whom am I kidding? I haven’t felt my normal self since the Pea was born more than eight months ago. Before you laugh at me – I don’t mean feeling like a spring chicken ready to play a round of beach volley before breakfast. Those days […]

A loser with lacking dress sense

Having written a book and not having a publishing deal (yet?) has the potential to make you feel like the world’s biggest loser– especially when you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror and realise that you are dressed like a clown with unruly hair. So in case you started asking yourself where Lil’ […]