All posts tagged: rolemodels

Once again – it’s award time!

Amy from And 1 More Means Four gave me the Meme Award. Thanks, Amy, and if it wasn’t you who had given it to me, I would have loved to award you straight back. This fabulous lady tackles life with four little ones plus job, whereas I tear my hair out about runny poo and babysick caused by only one. I think she’s doing amazing – having met her in the flesh, I can assure you she still has a full head of hair.

Wednesday Weigh-In Vol. II. Or: A sad reunion with my friend Ferrero

Let’s call this first week ‘awareness week’. I was pretty aware of all the nasties that made their way into my stomach.

However, thanks to one of the best diet boosters ever, I managed to shrink a little. Despite being totally off our usual schedule – we went to Germany last weekend to introduce little L to her great grandma – and a long car journey that made us pass France (pain au chocolat & sandwich jambon, fromage, beurre) and Belgium (waffles and chocolate), and finally guided us to our final destination, Germany, land of the Jaegerschnitzel. And did you know that there is a range of Ferrero chocolate snacks that are exclusively available in Germany? Of course, I had them all.

Hall of Fame

Even in school I have never been good in either keeping up chain mail (hence my seven years of unluckiness regarding questions of the heart) or taking awards with pride. It embarrassed me when my mum showed pictures of me on stage in my tutu to strangers, or when she framed and wall mounted newspaper articles featuring her offspring.