All posts tagged: sleep deprivation

Waving not drowning

Hello. It’s me. I am still here. Albeit a bit quieter than I used to be. Motherhood 2.0 has turned out to be an application with a few hiccups. Petite Pea has silent reflux combined with milk protein intolerance. She went 11 weeks without a diagnosis. I.e. I went more than 11 weeks without sleep. […]

The potatoe chips incident

This is how sleep deprived I really am: The other night around 4am chez Met Mum. Sudden noises. Commotion. Someone switches on the bedside lamp. I blink. The husband passes me something heavy. I blink again. A heavy bag of potatoes. What did he just say? Me: ‘Potato chips? You want me to make potato […]