All posts tagged: St Tropez

Welcome back to St Tropez

I had an amusing little email exchange with Krystal recently, sending Youtube links to cheesy-chavvy St Tropez songs back and forth. If you should wonder what I’ll be up to during the next four weeks to come, be assured it’ll look nothing like this: So bad, it’s almost good.

Dongling along

I am still here, down in France, trying to get a dubious little USB stick (how can anything that goes by the name dongle be taken seriously, let alone WORK?!) to provide me with Internet. HAHA. I have been sold the wrong thing for my Mac, having been ill informed by a shop assistant who […]

Breaking up for summer

The past few weeks have been oddly exhausting. Not because of what has happened; rather because of what could have happened. It’s all good news (or potentially none at all), but still, being kept in limbo for weeks, depending on a multitude of other people to make it happen (or not) has been wearing me […]