All posts tagged: work

There’s no plastic in Malibu

It’s soon going to be four months since we moved to Malibu. The Expatriate Adjustment Lifecycle (yes, there IS such a thing) stipulates three months of Honeymoon, followed by Culture Shock. Let me tell you one thing: living out of two suitcases and moving from one AirBnB to the next, with leaking roofs and bug […]

Blog your dreams

There must be some truth to it if it’s written on a T-shirt, right? Sorry, I just couldn’t resist. I had a couple of lousy days with one child vomiting, another one having a bit of an attitude problem (is puberty at four years of age possible?), a nanny on holiday, schools off for Christmas (since […]

Occupation: Mum?!?

The unthinkable happened. I have been asked to write something. And I have been paid for it. My first piece of paid writing in almost ten years. And my first ever piece of paid writing in English. Of course I am proud. Proud enough to have spent the cheque three times, to be exact. An […]

Occupation: Mum

Surname, first name, address. Post code, telephone, occupation. Occupation? The worst bit of my recent and otherwise lovely course at St Martins was filling in an A4 form. Or this one little box, to be precise. Occupation. Occupation. Occupation. No matter from which angle I looked at the black little line behind the trigger, the […]

Back to school

So what do you do when you feel stuck in your routine, a million ideas buzzing around your head but you are unable to channel your creativity into something productive? Exactly, you grab a batch of clay, form an innocent rabbit and prong it onto a chopstick. Under professional supervision, of course.

What I am currently working on

You might have read what it says in the little about box to the right. ‘London mum and wannabe illustrator’. It’s a dream, but nothing that should be left untried. And now that little L spends some time at the nursery, the excuses for me not to pick up my pen and draw are running […]