All posts tagged: yoga

There’s no plastic in Malibu

It’s soon going to be four months since we moved to Malibu. The Expatriate Adjustment Lifecycle (yes, there IS such a thing) stipulates three months of Honeymoon, followed by Culture Shock. Let me tell you one thing: living out of two suitcases and moving from one AirBnB to the next, with leaking roofs and bug […]

The struggle to struggle

One of my teachers once said “Those who fall over a million times are those who will end up with the most beautiful headstands.” Struggle (and to an extent failure) is part of the journey – in life as well as in practicing yoga.

So this is the end

I guess it’s been a long time coming: I’m closing down this blog. Yoga has taken over my life – or at least the part that was reserved for blog writing, blog reading and stalking people on twitter. I still write. Not here, but here.

A new path

It’s been more than four months since I returned from my little solitary adventure to Kamalaya. When I had just arrived back in London, I felt like a changed person. Not only that, I felt like I wanted to change the world. And a little surprisingly – to me at least – I still do.

Home alone

Last night I shoved* the husband out the front door and sent him off to Thailand. He’ll be gone for a week of yoga, massages and detoxing. He’ll be enjoying delicious yet healthy meals, breath taking views and the calm and serenity that neither a family of four nor living in London can offer him.

Pop Up Yoga

I just came back from an absolutely blissful yoga class at Islington’s newest yoga spot Pop Up Yoga. The studio is set back from busy Upper Street, it’s cosy, candle lit and fresh – nothing like the smelly feet experience you might encounter elsewhere. Yoga is such an easy yet effective way to get rid […]