Getting fit, Mummy stuff, Pregnancy

Wednesday Weigh-In Vol. I


Just one more bite, o.k.?

Little L was six weeks yesterday, and so is my scar. I went to see my GP on Monday, and here is the verdict: Everything hunky dory, I can get pregnant again. Hooorray! Only kidding.

Six weeks of sitting on the sofa, stuffing my face with chocolates and ice cream – all with the excuse of having had a caesarean – have come to an end. In fact, I couldn’t move much right after surgery. But even though I could have been more mobile recently, I just haven’t upped my speed or the amount of moving around at all.

I thought it would be easy. I would just go back to my usual diet, do long walks in the park, Pilates when little L was sleeping and with breastfeeding – ta-dah! – the weight would just drop off. I am eating my words. And the cake, and the ice cream, and the chocolates. Somehow, I am not only too tired to lace up my trainers, let alone make it to the park, I am so off my usual diet, I don’t recognise myself anymore. The only thing that keeps me going is this magical substance consistent of nothing but sugar and fat that some genius has called chocolate. I am so tired; I need sugar to keep me from fainting. Pure, refined sugar held together by cocoa butter.

This has to stop. Now. I am feeling all wobbly, my clothes don’t fit anymore, and I am neither going to get back into my maternity jeans, nor am I going to spend money for a wardrobe that, eventually, will be a size too big. On top of it, we are going on a fabulous holiday mid July, and I do not want to hide in a tent-sized sarong whilst all the French ladies around me parade their toned, tanned pins along the beach. So here is the plan:

I will join the Wednesday Weigh-Ins at Blog to Fit to keep me motivated (or publicly humiliated). Their BMR calculator told me, that to maintain my weight I would need 1,933 calories a day, plus roughly 500 calories for breastfeeding. That means about 2,433 per day. To loose a pound per week, I only need to cut out 500 calories a day. Sigh. Giving up my daily afternoon pastry plus tall latte would do the trick. If only I wasn’t so tired! So maybe ‘just’ increasing the amount of sleep could be the solution?

Now for the weigh-in:

Starting weight Wednesday 20 May: 136 pounds

How many pounds left to lose: 11


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