Mummy stuff

Smoking only in designated areas

snc10204Yes, it is true what they say, they grow up faster than you could ever imagine. In her unbelievable fabulousness, little L is soaking up her environment like a little sponge, discovering her own hands to grab mummy’s nose or punch herself in the face. Apparently, she hasn’t discovered coordination yet. At two months of age, she loves being propped up to not miss a tiny thing of what is going on around her. So we splashed out a little and ordered this fabulous bouncy chair from Mamas&Papas. I particularly like the tag that is dangling from its side. It left me wondering which message they are trying to get across.

a)    It is ok for your infant to have a cigarette in this chair, as it is fire resistant.

b)   It is ok for mummy to have a cigarette in this chair, as it is fire resistant.

c)    It is ok to use this chair as an ashtray. Or:

d)   If your house should burn down, all you get to keep is this bl**dy bouncy chair, as it is fire resistant.

snc10206Another daily cheer-up: the tags inside baby clothes. Keep away from fire? I mean, come on, how stupid do you think I am? Of course I am keeping it away from fire, especially as I dress my baby in it. DOH!


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