Getting fit, Mummy stuff

Wednesday Weigh-In Vol.6. Or: Have your cake, don’t keep it!

My sister has been over to visit for a few days. Not the time for calorie counting; rather for barbeques with buttered corn on the cob, juicy sirloin steaks and fresh baguette. Also, being an older sibling and thus a role model, I didn’t want to obsess about food and had the best excuse not to diet.

When my sister visited me last time, she received my undivided attention, and I did my best to impress her big-sister-style. A trip to Laduree at Harrods, strolling around Brick Lane, a visit to Notting Hill and of course, pick-up and drop-off from and to the airport. In stark contrast, this visit started with a train ride on the Stansted express and a million little favours I asked her. She took it without complaining and passed on the title ‘youngest member of the family’ without a fuss.

I am proud of you, little sister!

Now for the weigh-in:

Starting weight: 136 pounds

Goal weight: 125 pounds

Last week: 131 pounds

This week: 131 pounds

Pounds lost: 0

How many pounds left to lose: 6

For more chubby chaps, click here.


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