Malnourished Monday

Malnourished Monday #3

malnourished monday 2

The headline reads ‘The revenge of the sensible shoe’. Unfortunately, the author doesn’t say what the revenge consists of. Maybe the shoe had all the food and left the ladies hungry?

Do you think the girls look perfectly healthy? Look closer. Don’t be fooled by the piles of fabric draped around the stick thin models, underneath is just skin and bones. Even the stylists and their ‘big-hair-do’ couldn’t create the illusion of substance. But they managed to nicely underline the lollipop effect a too big head on an underweight body creates.

Is that Natalia Vodianova on the left? I think she is one of the most beautiful creatures on earth, but what has happened to her? Has she joined the Skinny Mummies club, becoming her thinnest ever past children? Why???

Or are these girls just trying to copy Anna Paper-Thin Wintour? I have heard that women of a certain age tend to make a choice between face and arse. But them?

Spotted in the Sunday Times Style Magazine 08/11 2009


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