Illustrations, Travelling, Winter

There’s a place called Kokomo

to the beach

Argh. Argh. Aaargggghhhhh. Can you hear that? With every move I make my rusty bones make a cracking noise, stiffened by snow and the cold, wintery humidity. Even worse: my energy and lust for life seems to have been buried underneath the snow. And now the snow is gone, it’s nowhere to be found.

Little L will start two half days of nursery in March. She’ll be almost a year old by then. Time for myself. Time to work on the book. And the illustrations. But I need to get my act together and start. Just. Do. It.

I was reading Simone’s blog The Bottom of the Ironing Basket the other day. If you are feeling a little low and in search of inspiration, go over to her’s! Yesterday she had this little quote up:

to create is to destroy

I shall print it off and pin it above my desk. Get up. Get dirty. Listen to more cheerful music. And count down the days to our vacation.

Aruba, Jamaica, ooh I wanna take ya

Bermuda, Bahama, come on pretty mama

Key Largo, Montego, baby why don’t we go…


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