Blogging, Yoga, Yummy Mummy

Simple pleasures

yoga poses

  1. Buying too many bananas on a Monday, so you HAVE TO bake banana bread by the end of the week*
  2. Blowing bubbles in the bath
  3. Getting your heels down easily in downward dog
  4. Pinterest
  5. Starting the day with a glass of water and a few squeezes of fresh lime
  6. Putting moisturizer on your feet before you go to bed – softer feet than any pedicure if you do this every night
  7. Spraying your yoga mat with home-made mat cleaner**
  8. Apple and cinnamon tea
  9. Announcing the winner of a fantastic giveaway:

Screen Shot 2014-03-31 at 11.13.41

Congratulations, Rose! And have a very happy week to all of you. xx

*Recipe to follow

**Get a pump spray bottle and fill with one cup of distilled water. Add 4-5 drops of tea tree oil and a couple of drops of orange blossom oil. I also use this to clean toys that go into Petite Pea’s mouth

Image: Flickr/ Lyn Tally


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