Beauty, Yummy Mummy

Glowing from within – a skinade review

Debie skinade review

Two weeks into the trial

Much has been written about the legendary beauty benefits of taking collagen supplements. To be frank, I have been unsure if I should trust the raving reports of radiant skin and improved elasticity. After all, there are so many factors that contribute to the state of our skin. How would you know that a supplement was behind a sudden glow?

BUT I have been convinced. A couple of weeks ago, I started a 30-day course of skinade, a liquid, peach and mango flavoured skin supplement. Apart from high quality multivitamins, each bottle contains 7000mg high-grade collagen, which is sourced from fresh-water fish. There are no artificial flavours or colourings in skinade, and one serving is less than 35 calories.

skinade reivew

One week into the trial, people started to comment how well I was looking. My skin was more radiant, bouncier, a little less creased and clearer. I felt like the improvement somewhat stagnated after two weeks, and when I stopped for a week due to being away over Easter, my skin clearly missed its daily dose of liquid little helpers. Luckily, there was a week’s supply waiting for me in the fridge upon my return. After that week, the glow was back on.

Will I buy skinade in the future? Definitely. Who wouldn’t want to be beautiful from within?

You can buy skinade online and from selected stockists. A 30-day supply costs £90. About as much as your daily venti vanilla latte fix. Just healthier 🙂


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