All posts filed under: Food

If in doubt, bake!

The weather has been getting to me recently. That, the uncertainty about my writing, and my yearning for the Nordic countries (it’s an on-going love affair)* have pushed me to extreme measures: the baking of Kanelbullar. Kanelbullar are Swedish Cinnamon Buns. You will find them in every Swedish gas station, news kiosk, supermarket, and, of […]

Eat anything you want

With January almost done and dusted and the beginning of February looming, chickening out of your New Year’s resolutions is an almost certainty. By the end of this month, about 35% of all our resolutions will have been broken. By the summer, more than half of all resolutions will have gone out of the window. […]

The Superfoods Superwoman

When I embarked on my superfoods charged delivered-to-my-doorstep diet a couple of weeks ago, little did I know that the owner of fabulous company The Pure Package is the friend of a (blog) friend. A swift introduction and a few emails later, and I found myself under the arches of the New Covent Garden Market, […]

It never rains in Spain

Excuse me for having a bit of a weather thing going on here at the moment, but just one look out of that window makes it hard not to be very British and have a good moan about the current climate. However, as the sun is always shining somewhere else and especially in Spain, not […]


Coffee: The perfect way to start a day. The perfect way to end a meal. A pick me up. A wind me down. The drug of my choice. I have written about coffee before, many a times on this blog. I love coffee. I would even dare to say I am a coffee aficionada. Ideally, […]