All posts filed under: Winter

Packing up

Well, I’m not really packing up. Just packing. We are off to Switzerland for a week – our first family vacation since last July. And our first vacation as a family of four. We can all do with a bit of downtime. The girls have been alternatingly sick, passing their bugs between them and myself. […]

Where the Iguana lives

Long before the French and the English fought over Saint Lucia (‘ownership’ of the island changed 14 times in between them), this beautiful place was called “Where the Iguana lives”. And if the lizards don’t stop drowning themselves in our pool, they might need to rename it to “Where the Iguana dies”.

It’s a tough life

Lots of empathy has been poured into the comment box below my last post. Identification. Compassion. I am not quite so sure this one will create emotions along the same lines. Although the journey to Saint Lucia was a little tough with half a day delay spent at Gatwick airport thanks to a volcano eruption […]