All posts tagged: vacation

Breaking up for summer

The past few weeks have been oddly exhausting. Not because of what has happened; rather because of what could have happened. It’s all good news (or potentially none at all), but still, being kept in limbo for weeks, depending on a multitude of other people to make it happen (or not) has been wearing me […]

Gone fishing

Dear friends, mes amis, liebe Freunde. When you read this I will hopefully be on my way to the beautiful South of France. Big M had mercy with our frozen toes and sent little L and me to a place where the sun is a constant and reliable companion.

Where the Iguana lives

Long before the French and the English fought over Saint Lucia (‘ownership’ of the island changed 14 times in between them), this beautiful place was called “Where the Iguana lives”. And if the lizards don’t stop drowning themselves in our pool, they might need to rename it to “Where the Iguana dies”.

What’s in your bag?

Have you ever wondered how often the girls working at the airports’ security scanners really need to check the contents of your bag? And how often they are just curious to know what’s inside? If I were one of them, I’d know how to shamelessly exploit my position of power. Emily O over at Babyrambles […]

It’s a tough life

Lots of empathy has been poured into the comment box below my last post. Identification. Compassion. I am not quite so sure this one will create emotions along the same lines. Although the journey to Saint Lucia was a little tough with half a day delay spent at Gatwick airport thanks to a volcano eruption […]

Favourite Photo Meme

If you were to choose one perfect picture, which one would you choose? Forty Not Out invited me to join the Favourite Photo Meme. I have lots of favourite pictures. Pictures of friends, of myself, of food and of places. But my most favourite would need to include my two favourite people, Big M and […]

Vacation en famille

We were counting the days to our first family vacation. Two weeks on the French Atlantic coast. Our first holiday since our honeymoon and our first ever holiday as a family. Our expectations weren’t disappointed, au contraire! Although, I noticed a few little differences to the style in which we took on les vacances before having little L.