All posts tagged: grandparents

Who would you choose for me?

Being partly adopted, as a child I often wondered how life had turned out had my mother left me with my grandparents. Had I been the one to choose, I am sure my childhood would have turned out less wounding. Certainly, foster parents do a great job in a huge number of cases. But if […]


Every time I picked up the phone to call my grandma during the past months, I dreaded that she’d fall asleep on the phone again, that she’d again confuse names, that her speech again was slurred and that again, I would feel her health and her spirits deteriorating. I found excuses not to visit her […]

Christmas Rules

Christmas is by far my favourite time of year. I just love fairy lights, the smell of ginger bread, mulled wine and the colourful decorations that brighten up grey winter days. So when John Lewis asked me to contribute my set of rules for a ‘Perfect Family Christmas’, I was more than happy to join […]

Wednesday Weigh-In Vol. II. Or: A sad reunion with my friend Ferrero

Let’s call this first week ‘awareness week’. I was pretty aware of all the nasties that made their way into my stomach.

However, thanks to one of the best diet boosters ever, I managed to shrink a little. Despite being totally off our usual schedule – we went to Germany last weekend to introduce little L to her great grandma – and a long car journey that made us pass France (pain au chocolat & sandwich jambon, fromage, beurre) and Belgium (waffles and chocolate), and finally guided us to our final destination, Germany, land of the Jaegerschnitzel. And did you know that there is a range of Ferrero chocolate snacks that are exclusively available in Germany? Of course, I had them all.

A life taken over

Little L was five weeks last Tuesday, and somehow it feels as if she’s been with us forever. Life without her is a distant memory and seems as long ago as a restful night. At the same time everything is still brand new and she surprises us every day with another trait of her personality shining through. I could gaze at her for hours and hours, feeling so blessed and lucky to have her. Of course, she is the most perfect, amazing, beautiful and smart little creature the world has ever seen, and I am almost bursting with pride. Vowing to respect her privacy, I have to fight against the urge to plaster this blogg with her pictures.