All posts tagged: rolemodels

Occupation: Mum

Surname, first name, address. Post code, telephone, occupation. Occupation? The worst bit of my recent and otherwise lovely course at St Martins was filling in an A4 form. Or this one little box, to be precise. Occupation. Occupation. Occupation. No matter from which angle I looked at the black little line behind the trigger, the […]

Malnourished Monday #2

As if it wasn’t bad enough that women like Kate Moss count as rolemodels (may I quickly remind you: a love for publicly shoving coke up her nose, the heroin addicted boyfriend, frequently stumbling around town completely drunk), now she is even giving dieting advice. Of all the wrong kind.

Why the end of size zero is just a big fat lie

Over the summer, a wave of articles that celebrated the end of size zero and therefore the reintroduction of womanly curves appeared in about every British women’s magazine. But despite various attempts to put an end to glorifying the image of malnourished women, recent fashion week reports and magazines alike are still plastered with pictures of clearly underweight models.

The misbehaving husband

Just in case you thought a trip to the supermarket with kids would be exhausting… Thank you Derrick Soo at Net Buzz for spotting this! And I promise to leave him at home next time. As soon as my back ache is under control again, I promise to stop pulling up more nonsense. But for […]