All posts tagged: weight

A bit of mummy wisdom – part I

I recently came across the blog of Alice, a 24 year old London mum-to-be. Reading through her entire blog, I was taken back to my own pregnancy. Her worries about the baby not being there any more (stop testing, Alice!), her battle with tiredness and the effect a great dose of hormones can have on […]

Malnourished Monday #2

As if it wasn’t bad enough that women like Kate Moss count as rolemodels (may I quickly remind you: a love for publicly shoving coke up her nose, the heroin addicted boyfriend, frequently stumbling around town completely drunk), now she is even giving dieting advice. Of all the wrong kind.

Why the end of size zero is just a big fat lie

Over the summer, a wave of articles that celebrated the end of size zero and therefore the reintroduction of womanly curves appeared in about every British women’s magazine. But despite various attempts to put an end to glorifying the image of malnourished women, recent fashion week reports and magazines alike are still plastered with pictures of clearly underweight models.

Wednesday Weigh-In Vol. 12. Or: As boring as watching paint dry

Having renovated a house recently, I can honestly say that watching paint dry is more exciting than attempting to diet. The last diet (remember Fat Smash: peas and lentils and lentils and peas) was ditched after four days. Four days! Instead we went to New York and tucked into pancakes (sky-high pancake piles soaked in maple syrup, accompanied by fried eggs and bacon), pizza and gigantic chocolate chip cookies. Only to be followed by the New England diet, i.e. lobsters and melted butter, corn on the cob and pumpkin pie. I know this is going to surprise you, but I STILL haven’t lost those last three pounds.

Wednesday Weigh-In Vol. 10. Or: The magic lies in the peas

I had a breakthrough yesterday. I am back in my jeans! Ok, only in those that used to fit the loosest, but it is a start.

Two weeks of stuffing myself with white bread and butter left me feeling a little bloated, to say the least. I didn’t want to be a killjoy, but I also didn’t want to demotivate my dieting self. That’s why I didn’t hit the scales when I came back form our delicious vacation. I am not as brave as Fab Brunette, sorry guys!